Developer Tools#

Testing and Benchmarking#

The script provides an easy interface for building, testing, benchmarking and more.

$ python <command> <command> …

Below are the possible commands and what they do.

To explicitly test a custom algorithm, add 'custom' to the algorithms to use list.

run.CONV2D_ALGOS_TO_USE = ['direct', 'smm']#

The conv2d algorithms to use


Whether to automatically generate CONV2D_ALGOS_TO_USE to contain all possible algorithms


  • install: Runs pip3 install .

  • install.e: Runs pip3 install --editable .

  • install.ev: Runs pip3 install --editable --verbose .


  • test: Runs all of the following tests


  • test.unit: Runs all unit tests

  • test.unit.<operation>: Runs unit tests for the operation


  1. Ensures outputs are equivalent before and after after swapping conv2d modules for the framework’s implementations

    • test.swap_conv2d: Tests all models in model_zoo

    • test.swap_conv2d.<model>: Tests the model from model_zoo

  2. Ensures outputs are equivalent before and after swapping all modules for the framework’s implementations

    • test.swap_backend: Tests all models in model_zoo

    • test.swap_backend.<model>: Tests the model from model_zoo


  • bench: Runs all of the following benchmarks

By Layer#

  • bench.layer: Shows latency for all operations, both original and framework implementations

  • bench.layer.<layer>: Shows latency for the specified operation, both original and framework implementations


  1. Shows latencies before and after after swapping conv2d modules for the framework’s implementations

    • bench.swap_conv2d: Shows latency for all models in model_zoo

    • bench.swap_conv2d.<model>: Shows latency for the model from model_zoo

  2. Shows latencies before and after swapping all modules for the framework’s implementations

    • bench.swap_backend: Shows latency for all models in model_zoo

    • bench.swap_backend.<model>: Shows latency for the model from model_zoo


  • docs: Generate the documentation in HTML format.

  • readme: Generate the README.rst


  • clangd: Generate the .clangd file with the correct include paths